Library at Home
Your library makes house calls!
We offer free delivery of library materials and services to community members who are unable to visit the library in person due to illness, injury, or disability. We offer services for both individuals and facilities.
Home Delivery Services for Individuals
Library at Home patrons have access to every type of library material. Our staff can also recommend items based on your interests.
Sign Up Online
or Contact Us
Use our sign-up form for individuals or contact us. We'll ask about your interests and arrange our first visit.
Call our office: (260) 421-1237
Or email us at:
Tell us What You'd Like to Receive
Books, movies, CDs, books on tape, puzzles, games, or more. We can deliver anything in the library’s collection, including special requests.
Enjoy the Materials
Delivered to You
Now just relax and enjoy the items that are delivered straight to your door. We’ll visit once each month to drop off new items and collect items you’d like to return.
Library at Home Services for Facilities
We offer free, customized services for senior communities and healthcare, rehabilitation, and memory care centers.

Select From the Following Services for Your Facility
Pop-Up Library
We visit once per month with several hundred books for residents to browse and borrow. We also bring holds, special requests, and multiple copies for book clubs during these visits.
Monthly Programs
We'll provide an hour-long enrichment program for your residents. Previous programs have included travelogues, local history, childhood games, device help, and more.
Rotating Collections
25-50 books that can be utilized by enrichment staff or made available for residents to borrow. We bring new books once per month and can include special requests or book club sets.
Delivery to
Individual Residents
Our specialists will deliver requested items, library holds, or even a small selection of books for individual residents
Contact us Today to Request Facility Services

Call our office: (260) 421-1237
Or email us at: